Trail Improvements in the Intervale


The Land Stewardship team has been busy all summer long and into the fall working on our trails in the Intervale. Small and large improvements are certain to increase the enjoyment of your walk, run, bike or ski!

You’ll notice several changes, including new Intervale Center blazes for better wayfinding. New within the Intervale Center network is the Roadside Trail, which is currently under construction. Two of three sections are complete, one starting behind the brick farmhouse and another which parallels the road and ends at the Picnic Grove and Tommy Thompson Gardens. Soon this roadside trail will connect in the middle and become a contiguous trail of approximately one-third of a mile. We think you’ll find this path much more pleasant than walking on the dusty road!  

With help from local businesses including SkiRack, Patagonia Burlington and Vermont Trailwear, we have built a nearly-400 foot new trail near the Conservation Nursery production fields. It is a re-route and means the public won’t need to walk through daily operations of the nursery. We are so thankful to our friends for making this happen with their staff volunteer day which took place at the end of September.

The Intervale Wildways Trail is officially open!  This 5.5 mile trail starts at Salmon Hole, follows the Winooski River through the Intervale Center property to Ethan Allen Homestead, and completes at Ethan Allen Park and North Avenue in Burlington. New Wildways blazes and “you are here” signs will guide you on this trail. Click here to find a map.  A big thanks to all of our partners that make up Burlington Wildways.

As always, our land steward volunteers have been busy picking up trash and pulling invasive weeds. Please remember to leave no trace and pick up after your pets! New trash receptacles and pet waste bag dispensers are available at trailheads.

We look forward to seeing you recreating on the trails!

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