Plant a Tree in Honor of Your Loved Ones This Spring

Together, we can improve climate resilience across Vermont.

Our Conservation Nursery grows and plants tens of thousands of native trees and shrubs throughout the state each year. That’s hundreds of acres of forests growing strong to conserve our natural environment for generations to come.

Trees are the roots of vibrant ecosystems and yes, strong food systems! The fresh, local food you grow and buy is possible because of thriving growing conditions - thanks to the healthy soil and waterways, clean air, and biodiversity that trees promote. 

Not only are we planting trees, but we continually support projects for years after planting through site maintenance, invasive species removal, and stormwater management projects across the state. In 2022, our Nursery planted 15,000 trees at 33 restoration sites throughout Vermont. That’s sustainable stewardship in action!

When you support the Intervale Center, you are making a direct investment in the resilience of our natural environment and community food system. Now through Mother’s Day, you can make an even more tangible impact – when you give a gift of $40 or more to the Intervale Center, we’ll plant a tree in honor of you or your loved ones.

Last year, you helped us plant more than 300 trees through this campaign. That’s three acres of new forest growing to support strong ecosystems throughout the state. Let’s branch out and grow even more trees this time around!

Give a gift that grows this spring!

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